TRMC Welcomes First Medical Students to Campus

August 23, 2024 /

Titus Regional Medical Center (TRMC) welcomed its first group of 3rd year medical students into the health system for clinical clerkship rotations during the last week of July.  Most medical students begin clerkship rotations during their third year of training. The move signifies a transition from classroom to clinic, making for a different type of learning environment. This year of in the field training helps students narrow their choices for specialties and prepares them to make application for residency, which is typically due in the fall of year four of their education.


During the third year of medical school, students complete clinical rotations, also called clerkships where they gain firsthand experience working with patients in various specialties under direct

supervision of a physician.  The students are considered a part of the healthcare team and are responsible for patients’ wellbeing.  They will rotate through the hospitals and clinics affiliated with their chosen course of specialty and will interact with patients and perform basic medical procedures as well as learning through observation of the doctors they are training under.   Chief of Staff, Dr. James Bove, added, “The addition of medical students to the daily roster of our patients’ caretakers will introduce a new vitality to TRMC. An air of academia shall present itself as students question what they see, striving to learn and understand the clinical decisions and methods of their new faculty physicians and providers. This change raises the bar for all of us, challenging our staff to continue to employ best practices across the board, while simultaneously inspiring soon to be physicians-in-training to join our ranks as we serve OUR community.”

TRMC will host seven students in this pilot year from three different universities, including Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Smith, AR, Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Conroe, TX and University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth, TX.  These students will each spend the next year in our health system and our community.  They will live and work side by side with our physicians as they tackle the next phase of their training.  “Medical students on campus are step one in the process of creating three rural residency programs at Titus which will bring more than fifty new doctors to our community on an annual basis when at full capacity.” Commented TRMC CEO, Terry Scoggin.  “The team at Titus is very appreciative to all of the team members and Medical Staff who have paved the way for this transformative journey.  Rural Texas needs more physicians and the training these students will receive is an important endeavor in improving health care in rural communities.”

TRMC is excited to welcome this first full class of medical students to our campus and community. Titus county is fortunate to have the highest level of physicians practicing in rural communities from across the nation and these students will be mentored by some of the best in a rural setting.